Saturday, June 8, 2013


Hey folks, 

Today I went down to Dublin in the Republic of Ireland (which is actually a different country than Northern Ireland). It was a 2 hour train ride down. The train ride down was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! 
We were able to see the ocean!
Beautiful views!
So beautiful!

Me and my friend Luke on the train ride down 

The first thing we did in Dublin was head to a library to see the Yeats museum. The Yeats brothers are famous early 20th century artists, Y.B. Yeats is a writer and Jack is a physical artists. SO COOL! Y.B. won the Noble Prize for Literature.
Noble Prize Medal 

Dublin was a beautiful city. It was quite different than the quite, laid back, friendly Belfast city. 



Now, ready for the COOLEST thing!?! Another Dublin library had EARLY BIBLE MANUSCRIPTS! Okay, GET THIS: they had letters from 150 AD! That's right! 3 generations after Christ! So, the letters to Paul were copied and copied continually by people. Here's a pictures another guy on the trip, John, took: 
This is from the Book of John

This was SO COOL for me to see! To know that the letters were being copied down EXACTLY right from the start! These people could have KNOWN the apostles. HOW COOL! HOW COOL! 

Now off to write the next post :-)

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